Kennen sie das buch:ZAMINDAR von valerie fitzgerald?
ingrid greece
2006-06-29 09:10:21 UTC
Indien roman
Zwei antworten:
2006-06-30 04:57:42 UTC
Der Titel ist: ZEMINDAR

Die Bedeutung des Wortes ist jedoch in beiden Schreibweisen gleich!

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Zamindar \Zam`in*dar"\, n. [Hind. zem[=i]nd[=a]r,

zam[=i]nd[=a]r, a landholder, Per. zam[=i]nd[=a]r; zam[=i]n

land d[=a]r holding.]

A landowner; also, a collector of land revenue; now, usually,

a kind of feudatory recognized as an actual proprietor so

long as he pays to the government a certain fixed revenue.

[Written also zemindar.] [India]

Zemindar \Zem`in*dar"\, n.

Same as Zamindar.


Zemindar, in India a holder or farmer of land from the government, and responsible for the land-tax. Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)


Deutsch: Eine Art Landverwalter, der Regierungsländereien verwaltet und die Steuern eintreibt.



Ein Liebesroman + Reisebericht über eine Schiffsreise nach Indien.....

The book follows the journey of a young English lady, Laura Hewitt, whose cousin Emily has married the man that Laura loves. Laura finds herself accompanying them on their honeymoon trip to India. Part of the reason for the journey to India is for Charles to meet his half-brother Oliver Erskine who is a Zemindar (a landowner of significant territory) and, as his mother hopes, to become Erskine's heir.

Through this book we travel with Laura, Emily and Charles during their sea voyage to India of 1830, as they adjust to Indian life staying with various relatives as they work their way into India and then, as they meet Oliver Erskine and then stay with him in his estate, we watch the flowering romance between Mr Erskine and Laura.

Quelle: ebay

2006-06-29 16:13:43 UTC

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